A real thing.

here you can find charts and drawings of how cool fine and rad stuff is. aren't you glad I did not perish in that hotel fire up in Anchorage? I got some cool Star Wars stuff from that.

Monday, May 4, 2015

5/3/2015 11:50 am - 12:50 pm

Hello there. Getting back to writing on the supernatural adventures of Finn Moon(e). And, revisiting some material that, proves that this is all still a work in progress.

The idea about the cost of psychic powers just never sat right with me. The past being switched in your mind with the future somehow, right? It's a neat enough system, but it's also kind of vague and nonsensical, and if you could remember the future then there's the problem of predestination and all that, which would be countered by the memory wipe (which powers the plot point that Finn doesn't know he's the mole,) but the thing is: if there were that memory wipe there, then seeing into the future in the first place would have been absolutely pointless. Unless you could flail around while you're peeping into the future, writing things  or wielding objects and leaving yourself vague clues about what's going to happen... but that's a possibility that I'll touch on a bit. As it stands, anyway, I feel the idea of psychic-ness being a "pendulum" to be unworkable...

moles from the Illuminati!
I was thinking about the composition of Finn's team last night-- there's got to be at least one golem in there, right? Or have I never brought up the possibility of golems (golemim?) in this universe before? If so, 'twere a grievous fault.

So, at first the idea was, the golem is actually a mole, because, who else would control a golem but the Jewish Illuminati? (As everyone knows, all the world's economy and politics are totally controlled by a vast Jewish conspiracy.) I've also tangentially got the idea that there's also a rival Illuminati of Lizard People, who are also totally not at all a crazy thing to believe in, but, sticking with the Jews for now. Thinking about that in bed last night, though, no, if there were a golem on Finn's team, that's not his affiliation, at all...

(not that, you know, that wouldn't be a rad red herring.)The idea is, maybe the golem is the mole in a sense, not from the Jewminati (too much?) but because the golem is actually Finn.


a proposed third (or whatever) method of time travel
Instead of having memories from the past and the future flip-flopped allowing vision into the future being how futuresight works, perhaps, perhaps instead of that, Finn from the past is living in the present through the golem, a simulacrum for the futuretelling from one single moment in time: splitting his consciousness and living, in that moment, vicariously through the future until the golem is finally put to rest, which is when he'd resume his normal  life. Maybe with ostensibly no memory of what he sees in the future, but, of course with Finn being Finn, there could be a way around that. You'll notice I said "splitting his consciousness;" in this moment looking forward Finn is able to, I don't know, escape using, I don't know, his dreamspace, and have at least partial cognizance of his Finn-body. Scramble around, do more than that... set up dominoes using his knowledge of the future...

unanswered questions from said method
Already knowing how to set up what, and seeing it come into fruition through the golem, maybe adjusting things along the way? Is it a multiverse thing, with different timelines coming to pass until he's honed the future perfectly? If he's his own mole, would he even need to set up dominoes and do all that? And this still doesn't explain what Finn's motivations for spying on his own agency would be...

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