A real thing.

here you can find charts and drawings of how cool fine and rad stuff is. aren't you glad I did not perish in that hotel fire up in Anchorage? I got some cool Star Wars stuff from that.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

7/22/2015 9:45 - 11:15 pm

Here she blows, that second post of this evening. And, dang, there's still stuff that I'd meant to write about but couldn't fit in. I'll go over it briefly here: more Dreamtime stuff, some other realm that leaks out into reality and causes creatures to become their legendary/mythological equivalents? Such as, foxes become genuine kitsune, tapirs become baku (the difference of which I discussed here,) that kind of thing and heck, people become Windigo. Yaay windigo. (or their Australian wild dog equivalent, win-dingo. Which I'm seriously considering being a genuine thing in this universe.)

Also, this being the 1990s and all, data mining Usenet for heat on supernatural activity. Which has been a plan all along as a major plot point, but hasn't needed to be brought up till now.

I think that's all the backstory needed in order to set up this post.

7/22/2015 2:00 - 3:00 pm

I've got a lot to say this week (apparently this blog is weekly now! it's settled), though I don't feel like doing a megapost, or a postapalooza. My observations are split into two distinct categories, though, of things I have to say, so here's part one, and I'll have another post later on this evening as well. Sounds good to me.