A real thing.

here you can find charts and drawings of how cool fine and rad stuff is. aren't you glad I did not perish in that hotel fire up in Anchorage? I got some cool Star Wars stuff from that.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

5/28/2015 9:45 am - 2:00 pm (mythapalooza)

I noticed something on my mission, researching mythology, which, since I was on my mission and thus consecrating my time, I couldn't delve too deeply into and thus just had to make note of and puzzle out later. I've been puzzling it out ever since- not the implications of what I discovered, but what it was that I had discovered in the first place. Because, apparently, I didn't notate my discovery as much as I should have; I copy/pasted what I'd found into a separate file and moved on, never actually stopping to notate, what it was, that I'd found...

And it's been a while, but I've finally figured it out. Turns out that I HAD notated my discovery sufficiently. I just wasn't reading the copy/pasted material carefully enough to catch it, overlooking what I'd always taken for granted. You see, it all has to do with Ancient Roman practices of eating pork n' beans.

Yes, really.