A real thing.

here you can find charts and drawings of how cool fine and rad stuff is. aren't you glad I did not perish in that hotel fire up in Anchorage? I got some cool Star Wars stuff from that.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Day 3: Potential Plot Outline

As long as I keep mulling the subject over and keep my mind fed with awesome (mostly) related stuff (did you know that Danger Man and Secret Agent Man are the same show?), my subconscious handily strings along plot points for me, in that wakey-sleepy period that's always so awesome because it's gone the unrestrained creativity of dreaming with the purposeful direction of consciousness.

Came up with this this morning; I'm not sure how well it will fit in, if it's even going to be in the final thing and if we open on it have more introductory material before getting into the plot like this or what. Too early in the writing stage to really need to care; any writing is good writing at this draft. There's a lot that has yet to be explained whether it be with character motivations or anything, but it's a crackly starting point and a great framework to start discovery writing around:

Friday, January 2, 2015

Day 2: Activities

No 9:30 am postup today. Actually indisposed for the 8:30- 9:30 session of writing/blogging (temple trip today! It's so nice to have one relatively nearby to home; you know us Mormons...). But, hey, here I am anyway. The usual format for this blog will go like this: I write for an hour straight, then at the end, I post up everything I've got written. Couldn't happen today, and it won't be able to happen tomorrow (cleaning the church! you know us Mormons...) But I have a bunch of notes already, on the plot and everything, figure I could dump those off here- if you don't like spoilers, well. They're numerous, so I'd steer clear. What are you doing on a read-along-as-it's-written blog anyway?

So far yet I haven't had the typical day of how I'd imagined it would be- actually writing the story instead of writing about it. But it's only two days in, and getting the ground broken is the most important part. I  realize that probably no days of writing are going to be "typical;" I just have to force my way through it, one hour at a time, whether it would be the most convenient or not. It's kind of the reason I started this thing...

Thursday, January 1, 2015

What to Expect.

I am forcing myself to write a book, is what it comes right down to. Maybe even a series, but that potential always comes into the water when anything remotely attractive to it is brought up (wisest words ever written, not counting other words much wiser of course: sequel is hard to resist). Writing just an hour a day, for 365 days, that's still a lot of writing. And I'm thinking, with this blog and me posting up stuff as I write it, we totally get to watch this baby be birthed together. Let's hope it behaves and doesn't cry too much, or anything...

No catchy name for the story yet; maybe I'll brainstorm with Kevin later on it-- Things that Don't Even Come Back Around, so that the ridiculous title of this blog actually starts making sense?, but-- our protagonist (no catchy name for him yet either) is a regular bloke with a lot fairly boring problems, who happens to have a few fairly interesting problems as well. He works in the espionage business, for whatever government exists in the Realms outside our own...

I figure there's a lot of stuff out there about supernatural detectives, but not much about any other profession, even ones remotely similar, such as supernatural lawyer, or supernatural spy. I have ideas on both of those subjects, but we'll focus on the latter for now. He's a spy.