A real thing.

here you can find charts and drawings of how cool fine and rad stuff is. aren't you glad I did not perish in that hotel fire up in Anchorage? I got some cool Star Wars stuff from that.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

what to 'spect from NaNoWriMo '17

It's been awhile since I've posted on here, but it's NaNoWriMo finally, and I've decided I'm totally ready to participate; took me long enough it's only been a few years geez. I've got a 28-point outline plotted, planning on covering an average of a point a day. The idea is to get wordcount out first, and then we can worry about quality; I'm not sure how I feel about that but I will proceed (I don't think I've even posted up an outline for book 1 on this blog yet, preferring to work on it behind-the-scenes; the twists at the end are too good or something, and so as much as it pains me to let anyone see unpolished draftage up to said ending, I'm, totally gonna do this thing this year finally, because bad writing is better than no writing at all.)

Would have started it today, but circumstances (read: Halloween The Simpsons marathon) prevented me from working on my Halloween short story I do every year. That's the writing I did today. It's got a wordcount of 2,790 words, more that 1,000 over the minimum recommended NaNoWriMo requirement, so I feel like it totally makes a canonical contribution to the cause. It's called Head Cheese and I am immensely proud of it (though fair warning it is not even remotely for the weak of tummy.)


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